Monday, March 21, 2011

Croupy Girl

Rebecca starting barking like a seal yesterday, the tell-tale sign of croup. Despite it she seemed pretty happy and active all day yesterday, accompanying Joel to the grocery store, and Ben to his football practice, and playing vigorously outside. So we didn't think too much of it, until it suddenly got much worse after she went to bed. She woke up crying and even after she settled down was clearly not breathing as comfortably as she should have been. Joel decided to take her over to the pediatric urgent care clinic around 10:30 pm, where she received a dose of steroids to help her breathing, and a prescription to use tonight before bed to help her breathing.

This morning she had a healthy appetite and is now out accompanying Joel as he gets his hair cut and picks up her prescription. She is clearly enjoying being sick, which means she must be starting to feel better ;) Joel is going to go into work around noon, so I have more of a chance to make a dent in my mountainous to-do list for work....


Abigail said...

Feel better Becca!

Kathleen said...

We hope she is feeling better! Uncle Mike can't wait to come for a visit!