Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ben's Check-up / Caroline Update

Ben had his 8 year old check up this morning, so I called beforehand and explained about Caroline and got her scheduled with an appointment at the same time as Ben's. She did better than I expected last night - woke up with the croupy cough a few times, but was able to put herself back to sleep, and did not need the albuterol treatment. The doctor said her lungs sound very good today, so besides the steroid for her croup which she still needs tonight and tomorrow night, she might not need the inhaler at all. Which is good, because I've heard those things can make kids jittery. She is currently taking a nap, and I did hear the croup coming back when she was fussing before falling asleep, but it is still a lot better than it was last night.

Ben's check up was uneventful, except for the news that he is allowed to graduate from his booster seat ;) (He'd been asking for a while, and I told him he needed to ask the doctor at his check up before I'd let him). He weighs 63 pounds and is 55 1/2 inches tall. Still tracking right along where he always does at the top of the growth curve! After the appointment I dropped him off at camp, put the baby down for a nap,  and am trying to a) get work done, b) fix our home phone which stopped working, and c) get someone from BuyBuy  Baby to come fix the baby's dresser, which had a foot fall off of it while I was attempting to move it yesterday. Busy day so far. Ben also has tutoring after camp today, lucky me!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Yay Ben!