Monday, July 16, 2012


Yesterday Joel decided he wanted to get the kids some golf clubs and take them to the driving range. Or rather, I think he would have preferred to just get Ben some golf clubs and take him to the driving range, but Rebecca refused to be left out of this equation. So we set off for Dick's in the morning, since I needed new sneakers also. Our quest for the proper sized clubs went smoothly until we remembered that Rebecca is left handed. This necessitated a call to all the other Dick's stores in Charlotte, searching out the single left-handed golf club in her size in the entire city. Which we eventually tracked down and purchased. And then off to the driving range, with a stop for lunch first and a stop at home to collect a few supplies (sun block, drinks, an extra bottle for the baby, etc). So we did not actually get to the driving range until nearly 2pm, when it was about 8,000 degrees out with not a drop of shade in sight. The kids behaved reasonably until about halfway through their bucket of balls, when the heat began to get to them and they started making all sorts of woeful declarations about dying of thirst and/or heat stroke. We ended up finishing in a hurry, buying the kids some Powerade, and collapsing in exhaustion on the couch at home for a while. Eventually Joel got up and went back out to the driving range by himself, since he had not gotten to hit many balls himself in between the whining/teaching the kids how to swing their clubs, etc. I would say that the kids enjoyed it, but I am not positive of that. I think they might have, if it had not been so freaking hot.

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