Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Update

This weekend Joel had to work and had a very busy service so I was solo with the kids for the most part. Saturday we did a lot of chores and errands, including cleaning my car which was probably the most disgusting it has ever been. I had to disengage the rear seats to vacuum underneath them properly, and I must have vacuumed up a pound of potato chips, goldfish crackers, and who knows what else. I also found a random shoe that no one had apparently missed, numerous toys/stuffed animals, and a lovely sticky surprise of unknown origin inside the cup holders. I am re-instituting the ban on food in my car! After cleaning it myself for an hour, I took it (and the kids) to Auto Bell, where it was cleaned inside and out again. And now it is pretty respectable again! For the time being.

We had dinner with friends Saturday night, after Joel got home from work, and Caroline was so well-behaved it was freaky! Even though we were out past her bedtime, she did not make a peep (like literally not a single sound) the entire time. She just sat in her high chair and gnawed on the edge of the table. She also started rolling herself over, which is helping tremendously at nap time because she rolls onto her stomach and falls asleep much better that way. So she got 4 solid naps this weekend. Yay Caroline!

Yesterday I took the kids to the pool, where they got henna tattoos (well, not the baby) and had ice cream sandwiches and played with their friends, and still managed to whine a fair bit over nothing.

Now the countdown to the weekend (and Asheville without kids) begins!

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