Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vets & Dentists

So the story on Clara is that last night while Joel was changing his clothes after work, he apparently accidentally shut Clara in the bedroom, and she amused herself during her confinement by going into the bathroom and eating my razor (note to self: need to buy a new razor). We did find several pieces of mangled metal in the carpet next to the chewed-off handle of the razor, but took her to the vet anyway for an X ray to make sure she had not swallowed any pieces of the blade. It appears she did not. Clara and I however were out until nearly midnight, and that combined with a 3am wake-up call from Caroline means mommy is tired!! Oh, and $220 poorer, thanks to the X Ray/ exam....

I could not sleep in this morning, because Rebecca had a dentist appointment, so I had to get Ben to camp and the baby to day care and then go to my favorite place with a 4 year old (NOT), the dentist. Becca took pity on my exhausted state though, and chose not to pitch any fits, which makes it the FIRST TIME she has gotten through a dental exam without any screaming. WOO HOO! And now, armed with coffee, I must get some work done until 3:30 when I need to pick up all 3 kids and take Ben to his tutoring session....

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