Friday, August 22, 2008

Are We There Yet?

We drove home from Virginia Beach yesterday, all in one shot. We left at 9:30 and arrived home around 6, including an hour and a half stop for lunch, one stop for gas, four unscheduled pee stops for Ben, and one detour to avoid a traffic jam on the highway.

Both kids were pretty high on the whine-o-meter for the first half of the drive. Becca I suspect may have an ear infection and was overtired. Ben was just, well, Ben trapped in a car all day. Ben's abillity to generate urine reached new heights of impressiveness; all he had to drink yesterday was a cup of milk at breakfast and a Shirley Temple at lunch and I swear he peed out about six times that amount despite taking him to the bathroom once right before we left in the morning and twice at lunch. I was starting to wonder if perhaps he has some medical condition that needs to be addressed.

It was nice to get home at a decent hour though and get the kids to bed at their regular bedtimes. Still, an all-day drive with a 4 year old and a 10 month old is not something I am eager to repeat.

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