Sunday, August 17, 2008

Road Trip

We left Charlotte at 3:30 yesterday afternoon and drove about 2/3 of the way to Virginia Beach. The drive was fine -- both kids were mellow, thanks in part to a rowdy game of indoor soccer I played with Ben before we left. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for dinner, and Ben picked out a slinky and a harmonica from the gift store. Both were fairly ill-advised choices; the slinky kept whipping me in the back of the neck as we drove, and the harmonica... well, the problem with that one should be fairly obvious.

We would have had no problem making the entire drive in one shot, but we figured the closer we got to Virginia Beach the harder it would be to find somewhere to stay. The four of us sharing one hotel room was not ideal. Becca was a wreck at first, but eventually settled down and slept peacefully in her pack n play. Ben and I shared a king sized bed, and Joel slept on a cot. Joel reports the cot to have been uncomfortable, though having spent the night with Ben plastered to me like a Band-Aid, I didn't have much sympathy. Let's just say I really need to trim that kid's toe nails...

Anyway, we drove the rest of the way this morning and spent the afternoon settling in and checking out the pool (haven't checked out the beach yet). The place we're staying at is very nice except that we seem to be in a cell phone black hole so for those of you who are expecting a call, this might have to do!

Ben and Becca are sharing a bedroom for the first (and possibly last) time tonight so we'll have to see how that goes.

Pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Yay, glad you got there safe!! Take lots of pics and keep us updated on your blog :)