Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hot Sand!

In the interest of fair and balanced reporting, I will relay the following incident which occured at the beach yesterday. We walked down to the beach late morning, and Ben had convinced me that he didn't need to wear his crocs (said they were too small which was reasonable to believe). So he was barefoot. The dry sand at the top of the beach was hot, but not too hot to walk on at that point.

A couple of hours later we packed up and headed off the beach to the pool area for a swim. I was carrying an armful of stuff (diaper bag, towels, etc) including my sandals which I had not bothered to put on. Ben as I have already mentioned, was barefoot. As we got to the area of the beach where the sand was dry, the sand was very hot. I mean, REALLY hot. Burning hot. Ben freaked of course, so I picked him up and started running as best I could to get off the beach. But in bare feet myself, it was like walking on hot coals. Carrying Ben.

So picture me running across the beach carrying Ben (and my sandals) dropping F-bombs every step of the way. Until finally we got to the top of the beach where there was a low wall and I could put Ben down without fear of burning him, to put my sandals on.

Joel, by the way, was calmly walking up the beach, comfortably flip-flopped, carrying Becca and doing his best to pretend he didn't know me.

Okay, lesson learned. Put footwear on before picking up crying son. Make son bring footwear to the beach.

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