Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Slow News Day

This week's issue of Newsweek has an interesting article about new research that describes the affects of certain genes on child development. Among other findings, it reports that children with "mellow" or "sweet" temperaments may be the least able to learn from and emulate their parents behavior.

So after months of exclaiming over what an "easy", "content" and "mellow" baby Becca is, now I am a little worried. The article suggests that precisely because she's so easy-going, she may be less able than other children to learn from mistakes and to emulate good behavior. On the other hand, children with "fussy" temperaments are more keenly attuned to their surroundings, including their parents, and so are more easily molded by them.

Perhaps my angel-baby may not turn out to be such an angel after all. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Ha just wait till she hits 15 months; Charlie was mellow and easy going until 15 months, then all hell broke loose ;)