Monday, August 4, 2008

Where Has the Time Gone?

I am having some trouble digesting the fact that it is August already. Ben's summer camp finished on Friday (six weeks went by at super sonic speed) and this morning he started the August interim session at preschool - which is a scaled-down version of regular preschool: fewer kids, a few special activities, scaled-down Shabbat on Fridays, and daily trips to the splash park but no formal lesson plans and none of the weekly classes he'll have starting in September (gym, music, library, Judaica, etc).

So this morning was his first official day in the full-day-fours class (he did fine at drop-off this morning since he already knows most of the kids in the class and knows the teacher already as well). It's the beginning of his final year of preschool and I can't help but think ahead to Kindergarten registration which is coming up in a couple of months, preschool graduation, etc.

I guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself... it is only August after all...

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