Thursday, September 18, 2008


That's "away from keyboard" for those of you who don't speak computer-nerd. Though I am also defining it as "away from kids" for the purposes of this post. This is what I will be from Sunday afternoon until Monday night. I have a meeting in Harrisburg, PA first thing Monday morning. You can do many things remotely these days -- I've worked from home for almost four years and I can count on the fingers of one hand* the number of times I've actually had to go somewhere. But apparently when the attorney general's office wants to talk to you, a conference call just won't cut it. Who knew?

It will be the first time I have spent a night away from the baby, and the first time since being hospitalized for the birthing of said baby that I have spent a night away from Ben -- yes I know what you're thinking: I need to get out more! I am trying to make the best of the situation, and am looking forward to going out with friends in Harrisburg Sunday night who I have not seen in a long time, and Mom and Dad will make the drive from Philly to have lunch Monday before I head back home. And, it will be a nice dry run for Joel for when I go to Cancun. I expect the children will tolerate my absence just fine.**

*It might be a mutant, six-fingered hand though.

**Although they may be pretty dirty when I get back, since Joel tends to avoid bathing them when I am not home to do it myself.

1 comment:

Mary said...

You are like me. I've been away for one night in 4 years, not including my time in the hospital giving birth to Ali. That night was really just a night..we left late afternoon and returned the following morning. I'm really looking forward to taking a weekend away. I just wish I knew when that would be!