Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And Now, a Word From our Sponsors

BabyLegs! They're warm, versatile, protect little knees from carpet burn without reducing mobility, and best of all they make diaper changes really easy (no pants to take off). I ordered her 3 pairs, and she wears them with onesies. Rebecca has a big wardrobe problem which is that she has about eighteen billion onesies and no pants. I am not quite sure how that happened except that it's been like 80 billion degrees out the last several months so she hasn't needed them. Anyway now she has something to keep her legs warm until it gets colder and I have to break down and buy actual pants for her. And possibly actual socks and shoes. (She's gone barefoot 90% of the time for the last several months also, even to day care. Does that make me a bad mommy? I never really look around to notice if the other babies are socked and shoed.... probably most of them are). Anyway until then she has been getting lots of compliments on her BabyLegs.


Abigail said...

Okay for real you need a Big Ass Bow :)

Carolyn said...

I'm not sure I quite get it. Maybe your picture could show more of her leg? They are like legwarmers? I felt like a bad mommy too - last summer my kids never wore socks or shoes unless they were going to be walking around in public. Not just in public, but old enough to be walking around in public. I thought shoes were overrated for the crawling/early walking stage - plus one less thing to put on!

Amanda said...

yes they are like leg warmers - sorry, not the best pic ;)