Monday, September 15, 2008

Double Standard

I am the recipient of Rebecca's double standard. She will not eat any solid food from me except for crackers and cheerios. If I put food on her tray, she will smash it, smear it, throw it, etc... unless it is a cracker or cheerios. Trying to spoon feed her does not work well at all. First she will try to push the spoon away or grab it from me. If the spoon somehow makes it past her hand to her mouth she will clamp her lips shut. If the food somehow makes it into her mouth, she will actually reach into her mouth and pull the food out. (Unless, of course, it is a cracker or a cheerio).

Now, imagine my surprise when I picked her up at day care today and her teacher tells me that she ate a hamburger and french fries for lunch! And swears she actually witnessed her eating it, not just playing with it.

So I took her home thinking maybe she will finally eat for me now... but no... she smashed her green beans into pulp then smeared them around on her tray, and ate about 2 bites of pasta before she started fishing it out of her mouth and smearing it around also. So after a while I gave in, took her dinner away, and gave her some crackers... sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um....picky eater? (around Mom only)??