Wednesday, September 3, 2008

G is for Gustav

This is a picture Adina emailed me from our Virginia Beach trip a couple weeks ago.

The current hurricane activity - Gustav, Hanna, Ike, Josephine - has Ben fascinated. He saw Anderson Cooper on CNN covering Gustav from New Orleans, and after watching it, transfixed, for a few minutes he turned on a fan, stood in front of it, and played "hurricane" (pretending to be blown away by the wind). Every morning on the way to preschool this week he has asked me to put on CNN radio because he wants to hear about the hurricanes. It is too soon to tell if he has truly inherited his father's fascination with weather phenomena, but the early indicators seem to point in this direction.

If he also inherits his father's fascination (obsession?) with presidential politics, I may have to take an extended vacation every four years. (Says she who's had MSNBC on 16 hours a day for the last two weeks...)


Abigail said...

That is a very pensive kid you've got in that picture ;)

Mary said...

I think that is awesome that he is so interested in hurricanes. It is also very cute that he turned the fan on and played hurricane.

Amanda said...

yesterday he told me he wants to move to new orleans!