Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sleep, Interrupted

11 PM - went to bed

11:30 PM - Rebecca wakes up crying, but it's OK because I haven't managed to fall asleep yet. I rock her for five minutes, she falls asleep.

12:15 AM - Ben wakes up crying (wants a drink of water and to go to the bathroom). I was dozing lightly at that point - still awake enough so that as soon as the first sound came over the baby monitor I was out of bed and heading for Ben's room.

1:30 AM - the phone rings. Joel answers it and reports that it's a recording of a Fleetwood Mac song (?!)

3:00 AM - Rebecca sits up in her crib and starts rocking back and forth so that her back is thudding against the side of the crib. I go lay her down - she falls right asleep and doesn't seem as though she was even really awake.

6:00 AM - ditto 3:00 AM. I ignore her.

6:30 AM - Ignoring thud-thud-thud-thud becomes impossible; I take a bottle to her. She falls back asleep.

7:30 AM - Ben climbs into bed with me and asks to turn on his Justice League DVD.



Anonymous said...

The Eagles are on.....are you awake or asleep?

Amanda said...

awake. ish.

Abigail said...

See, that would be a good night's sleep in the Robinson house...

Andrew said...

sounds like a great nite!!!