Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Age of Obama

Four years ago on election night I vividly recall looking into the eyes of my baby boy with despair... despair that it would be four long years before we would have a chance for a fresh start and the opportunity to begin to move the country back in the right direction. This morning I looked into those same eyes and I was filled with optimism and hope. The road out of darkness will be long and filled with challenges, but the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brightly. All over the country Americans have spoken loudly and clearly: We are ready.

I ushered in this new chapter in American history with a bang this morning. Literally. Let me preface for those of you who don't know me.... no, I was not hung over or otherwise impaired this morning, I just have very low blood pressure and I am stupid. This combination means that I know I should eat and drink as soon as I get up in the morning to get my blood pressure up but I almost always go about two hours between getting up and eating breakfast, and occasionally I have a little accident as a result.

So this morning I was, as usual, getting the kids ready for preschool and day care. I didn't have the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs up, and I caught Rebecca making a beeline up the stairs. I ran to grab her and in the process I somehow whacked my hand, just under my thumb, really hard. It started to bruise and swell instantly, and I started to feel dizzy instantly. I put the baby down, put the gate up, grabbed some ice and sat down at the kitchen table. Next thing I remember I was lying on the kitchen floor.

And now in addition to my hand hurting, my head, knee and generally the entire left side of my body (which I landed on) is rather sore. Fortunately Joel is off today -- sleeping off a late night of election-watching. I roused him out of bed and he fed me and put me back in bed and took care of getting the kids to school.

Ben witnessed my fainting, but didn't realize what happened so wasn't scared, just confused. He thought I somehow tipped my chair over, and lectured me about how to sit in my chair correctly so I would not tip it over. I told him I would try to be more careful - and I will.

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