Friday, November 14, 2008

The Week Ahead - Surgeons & Therapists

This coming Tuesday, Joel will have surgery to have his kidney stone zapped. He never passed it, and it's very large, so it's just hanging out. He's not in any pain, but it needs to come out apparently. It's a short outpatient procedure but it requires being under general anesthesia, a couple days of missed work, and just generally does not sound fun. Hopefully it will go okay. He has a second stone floating around in one of his kidneys; I am not sure what the plan is for that one. Then he'll hopefully be put on some medication to try to prevent new stones from forming.

Then on Wednesday I have Ben scheduled for an evaluation with an occupational therapist who specializes in fine motor issues. I decided that thinking about holding Ben back from kindergarten due to what so far appears to be an isolated developmental issue is not the way to go. Rather, I will have him evaluated and undergo any therapy that he might need so that when he gets to kindergarten hopefully he'll be all set. And if not, they have occupational therapists at school too.

Stay tuned next week to find out how both appointments go...

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