Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday Night Update

Joel seems to be feeling a lot better. His pee still looks like cherry Kool Aid though. I think he's going to call the doctor in the morning to find out if that is normal at this stage, still. He's watching Tropic Thunder in the other room right now. I was watching it with him but then I realized that I have zero interest in war movies, even when they are comedies.

Becca reportedly took two steps at day care today. I was not able to get her to duplicate her efforts at home.

Tonight at bedtime Ben told me he loved me so much that on my birthday he wanted to get me "beautiful red and yellow flowers." Then he added that if I were to get mad at him (any time between now and my birthday I presume, which is in July) this offer of flowers would be off the table. I took the opportunity to explain to him that everyone gets mad at each other sometimes, and that when we are mad we need to talk about it and learn from it how to behave so we don't make each other mad. He listened carefully, nodded his agreement, and then continued to assert that no flowers would be forthcoming if I were to get mad at him. At least I tried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think he did something that he thinks you would be mad at him about?