Monday, November 10, 2008


I left Cancun around lunch time today and was home by dinner time. The flight passed very quickly; the same cannot be said for the line to go through customs and the drive home during rush hour traffic. Ben was very happy to see me (and the toys I brought him). He kept hugging me and saying "I missed you so much Mommy!" It was very sweet. Becca even seemed excited to see me, though really not much more excited than she gets when she sees me first thing in the morning or when I pick her up from day care. But it was still cute. Ben seemed taller to me, and Becca's hair seemed longer ;) Though I guess neither actually grew in the four days I was gone. Though I am sorry to leave the beach and the warm weather behind, I am very glad to be home! I had lots of fun, but I don't think I would have been happy to be away any longer than I was - I was starting to miss the kids too much.

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