Friday, January 23, 2009

At Least One of Them Listens to Me. Sometimes.

This morning Ben, Becca and I were in my bedroom and (as usual) I was trying to cajole Ben into his shoes and coat so we could get going. "It's time to go!" I said (for the umpteenth time). "Get your coat!" Ben, as usual, was dawdling (trying to catch the last few minutes of Grossology on Discovery Kids).

But Becca, upon hearing me tell Ben to get his coat, toddled full speed into the kitchen, grabbed Ben's coat off the chair it was laying on, and dragged it over to me. Wondering if perhaps this was extraordinary coincidence, I told Becca to go get her coat. She turned around (almost falling down in her haste), toddled back into the kitchen and grabbed her coat.

Proof positive that she is starting to understand a lot of what I say... though I think most times she, like Ben, tends to ignore me...

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