Thursday, January 15, 2009

Farewell OT, You'll Be Missed

This morning I took Ben to his final OT session. Among his list of improvements are that he can now snap his jeans, he is using his right hand much more consistently for fine motor activities, his cutting skills have improved, he is getting very good at doing puzzles, and his pencil-holding technique has improved. His ability to copy shapes and letters is still pretty piss-poor, I must admit.

But still, progress is progress. I am in the midst of assembling his "therapy box" of stuff for him at home. The supplies I ordered the other day arrived this morning (that was fast), and I have a few more things to do such as to a) get a big tupperware bin to put them in, b) get some index cards for practicing cutting, and break some of his crayons into small pieces (sorry Ben, this forces you to hold them properly).

As I expected, when we got into the car after saying goodbye to both his therapists, Ben started to cry. He becomes attached easily to his teachers and caregivers, especially female ones who give him undivided attention! "I want to keep seeing them forever!" Ben sobbed. The tears continued for about ten minutes, and then he sniffled, "The only thing that will make me not sad anymore is a toy."

I told him that if he's good he can pick out a small toy on Saturday since we need to stop at the toy store anyway to pick up a present for his friend's birthday party. His mood improved quite substantially after that.

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