Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

We'll just call this post A Little Bit of Everything.

1. Our health insurance only covers 60 consecutive days of occupational therapy treatment per diagnosis per lifetime, so next week will be our last week of occupational therapy for Ben. His Thursday therapist, Michelle, had a physical therapist do a quick evaluation of him this morning to see if PT can pick him up and work with him for another 60 days. The physical therapist had him stand on one foot, catch a ball, walk up and down stairs, and jump off the stairs from varying heights, all of which he completed with flying colors. Then she asked, "Can he gallop?" "Yes," I said, "But he can't skip." "Oh", she said, "I wouldn't expect him to be able to skip until he's 5." "I CAN SKIP!" Ben yelled, and skipped perfectly down the hall. "Okay," I said, "I guess he can skip." The PT turned to the OT and said, "I think this is going to be a stretch."

2. Ben is my portable infomercial. On the drive from OT to preschool this morning he told me, "Do you know what you need? You need these bags that you put your stuff in and then you vacuum out the air and it makes it really flat and saves a lot of space. Do you know what else you need? If you have house plants, watering them is so much work. You need these packs that you fill with water and put them in the dirt with the plant and it waters the plant for you and gives you beautiful flowers! Do you know where I saw these things? I saw them on TV!" (Really? I couldn't've guessed.)

3. A uniformed police officer is now stationed in the lobby of Ben's preschool. We got a notice yesterday that they are increasing security because of the situation in Gaza and because the other Jewish preschool in Charlotte was vandalized the night before last. I suppose I should feel safe knowing that my son's preschool is probably the most secure preschool in Charlotte. When I took Ben in, his class was not in their room like they usually are at that time so I took him down to the office and got to watch the office staff check all the security cameras to see if his class was on the playground, communicate via walkie-talkie with the staff on the playground, and then finally confirm that his class was at the Judaic library which is in the next building over from the preschool. I could not just walk into the library from the outside, I had to be buzzed in after announcing myself and my business. Very secure indeed. But I still worry sometimes.

4. Our garage door motor broke. The repair man just finished fixing it, and now I am $145 poorer. But at least I can put my car in the garage again now...

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