Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twice in One Day

Yesterday was a pretty tiring day. Joel had a colonoscopy scheduled for 7am, which required being at the hospital at 6am, which required getting up at 5am. (I told Joel that for future reference I don't get up at 5am unless there is a vacation involved). Joel's parents took the kids to their house for the night Monday so we didn't have to worry about them Tuesday morning. We were home by 9:30, and Joel went to sleep and I went to [my desk to] work, while drinking a large cup of coffee.

That would have been the end of my story, except that around 2pm after Joel had woken and eaten finally (after having had to fast since Sunday night) he announced that he had a 102 fever. Unfortunately he didn't have any other symptoms like a sore throat or runny nose that might explain the fever. I say unfortunately because Joel has at least one known remaining kidney stone floating around somewhere, and with his recent fasting (and stomach virus) we were worried that dehydration might have pushed the stone into a bad spot and caused an infection, which would be bad.

So back to the hospital we went, this time to the ER, where bloodwork, urinalysis and CT scan confirmed that yes he did have stones, but they didn't look like they were in a bad spot, and the bloodwork and urinalysis showed no signs of infection. So we chalked the fever up to the flu, or remnants of the stomach virus, and got home around 7:15.

Joel's parents had picked up the kids for us and fed them dinner (honestly don't know what we'd do without them -- thanks again guys!!) and only Ben was still up when we got home. I took him up to bed and he talked my ear off nonstop even when I was trying to brush his teeth. I finally got him into bed and went to bed myself about an hour later...

Hoping today is a lot less eventful!

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