Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An 'I Have Nothing to Post' Post

It's been a quiet couple of days and I really cannot think of anything much to post. But since I am obsessive-compulsive about blogging now, I don't feel as though I can let another day pass without blogging something.

So, a few tidbits:

1. Ben is learning to sing the 50 states in alphabetical order. Apparently only through the Cs so far. But still, I was impressed: "Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut..." (That's right, isn't it?) But now he keeps asking "Can we go to Alabama? Can we go to Arkansas?"

2. Becca's teachers report that she seems to enjoy art activities the most out of all the kids in her class. They say they feel bad when it's time to take the crayons (or whatever) away from her - she cries. Maybe she will take after me in the art department (unlike Ben who clearly takes after Joel!)

3. Ben really knows how to butter me up. Apparently he is trying for a new toy and learned this past weekend that the temper tantrum he threw over a toy I wouldn't let him have was counterproductive. So tonight I got about six "I love you mommy"s, as well as a "I'll never forget you", "I love you more than anything" and "Your necklace is beautiful!" All of this was of course followed up a little while later by the mention that MAYBE on Saturday, if I have money, he could pick out a toy - "But not an expensive one. Five dollars!" How can I say no to that now?

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