Thursday, May 14, 2009

Becca's New Seat

I was tired of Rebecca's high chair -- taking up so much space in the kitchen, getting food stuck in unreachable crevices, etc -- so I donated it to Amvets earlier this week along with numerous other items she doesn't use any more (bouncy seats, jumperoo, infant carrier, stroller etc). To replace her high chair I got her this seat, which clamps onto the table top. At first I was a bit worried about having her just sort of hanging there in mid-air, so I slid a dining chair underneath it. I soon discovered why the seat's instruction manual says not to do that -- she put her feet down on the chair, stood up, and started jumping up and down! So we took the chair away again so that she has no leverage to push herself up and she stays put much better. I simply check to make sure the seat is secure before putting her in it -- and it's stayed rock-solid so far despite her tendency to bounce and rock. She seems to enjoy being closer to the center of action at mealtimes. And I enjoy being able to mop under her chair without having to move a high chair out of the way.

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