Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bubble Trouble

Rebecca's relationship with bubbles has taken an unfortunate turn for the worse. About a week ago I squeezed a little extra shampoo into her bath to make a few bubbles which I (mistakenly) thought she would enjoy, because she enjoys waving a bubble wand around outside and trying to make bubbles even though she can't manage it and just ends up spilling the soap and licking the bubble wand and then cries when I take them both away from her.

Anyway, where was I? Extra bubbles in the tub. She hated it. She got some bubbles on her hand, and freaked out, as though the bubbles were some flesh-eating bacteria nibbling away at her chubby fingers. She screamed until I took her out of the bath and wiped all the soap off.

Fast forward to her next bath. She was fine until the shampoo bottle was produced. As soon as I began to lather her up, she started screaming bloody murder.

Next two baths -- started screaming as soon as it became apparent that I was getting ready to turn on the faucet and put her in the tub, and didn't stop until she was out of the tub, dried, diapered, and snuggling her bunnies.

Tonight the trauma of it was so exhausting for her that after I had her in her pjs she lay limply in my arms with her head on my shoulder, murmering "Bubble... bubble..." forlornly to herself.

"Do you like bubbles?" I asked, stroking her damp hair.


1 comment:

Mary said...

maybe try giving her a shower. Ali liked showers very early and is only now opposed to them and wants a bath instead.