Saturday, May 30, 2009


I'd been planning to re-introduce Becca to the splash park at the JCC today, but then I realized that it was closed for Shavuot. So instead I took the kids to Latta Park, which has a little sprayground next to the playground. I had never been there before but (of course) I used the GPS and got there no problem despite the fact that it was in a part of town that I can never seem to get in and out of without getting lost... at least, pre-GPS anyway. Anyway, it is actually pretty close by (right next to the hospital where Joel works), and a very cute little park. Rebecca loved the sprayground, which raised my hopes that maybe she's starting to like the water again. After the kids were finished getting totally soaked, they played on the playground for a while. I changed Rebecca into a dry diaper and clothes but let Ben drip-dry in his suit. It was a fun morning. Next time, we'll pack a picnic lunch.

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