Thursday, September 10, 2009

Adjusting to School

After the three day weekend we've had a bit of trouble adjusting back into our school routine. On Tuesday at the bus stop, Ben was in tears because he wanted to stay home with me instead of going to school. We persevered though, and yesterday and today seem to be better. This morning he didn't complain about not wanting to go to school at all. I am sure it was a combination of factors such as gym class and Tae Kwon Do to look forward today, as well as a small bribe I might have let slip wherein I told him that if he didn't complain about getting on the bus all week, he might get a small present this weekend. He hasn't brought it up since I mentioned it, but I am sure he hasn't forgotten!

He still doesn't seem particularly enthusiastic about the parts of school that don't involve lunch and recess, and doesn't divulge too much about his day. (Last night Joel asked him, "Did you get to watch President Obama's speech yesterday [Tuesday]?" "Yes," Ben replied promptly. "What did he say?" Joel pressed. "He talked about what you can be," Ben said. "Did you like it?" Joel asked. "No," Ben replied without hesitation).

Becca seems to be re-adjusting to the school schedule well also. The last couple of days she has wanted me to sit and read with her when we get to preschool, and has gotten a little upset when I left. This morning though she sat down with her teacher instead, and when she saw me standing there (wondering if it was okay for me to leave yet) she waved and said "BYE!" So I took the hint.

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