Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

The Labor Day weekend has been nice... in addition to Ben's soccer game yesterday, we had friends over for dinner, went out to dinner with Joel's parents, went swimming twice, took Ben to his first Tae Kwon Do class (he goes twice a week starting this week), and did some barbecuing. All in all, it was a good weekend. I am sad to mark the end of the pool season, since the outdoor pool complex at the JCC closes for the season after today. But, I am looking forward to cooler fall weather... or if not exactly "fall" weather, just cooler weather. Even though it's still shorts weather, it is cool enough now that we can enjoy being outside without a body of water nearby to cool off in. This weekend, for example, I noticed that we spent a lot of time out in the back yard playing on the swings and slide, which have been neglected during the hot summer months. We also ate dinner out on the deck twice, which we also hadn't done in a while because of the heat. So, even though we have to bid a tearful farewell to the pool for now, we are enjoying the cooler-yet-still-awesomely-nice-like-sunny-and-80 weather that fall brings! (Did I mention that fall in Charlotte rocks?)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Yeah....I know it rocks...must you rub it in?