Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two Year Checkup

Rebecca had her two year old well exam this morning, and when I told her we were going to the doctor first before school, she seemed very pleased. "I go doctor! I go doctor!" she kept announcing happily. I felt rather guilty but I wasn't about to tell her that she wasn't going to like it.

As usual she was quite happy until we were escorted back to the exam room. Then a look of "wait a minute, I remember this place...." seemed to dawn on her face, and she was her usual uncooperative self for the physical exam, ear check, throat check (she somehow managed to cry through clenched teeth which the doctor found very impressive).

After the doctor left and we were waiting for the nurse to come give her shots (flu and hepatitis A), Becca tried to escape from the exam room, crying "I want go doctor! I want go doctor!" as if not understanding that that's where we were... she seemed to think this was some torture I was inflicting upon her in lieu of the promised doctor visit. The shots, of course, were not received well, she was not appeased by the stickers that were offered to her, and then she threw a fit because she didn't want to leave.

That's right, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and read books in the waiting room. So I had to carry her kicking and screaming out to the car.

The numbers--

Weight - 27 lbs (50-75th percentile)
Height - 35 1/2 inches (90th percentile)
Head circumference - 19 1/4 inches (75-90th percentile)

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