Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ups and Downs

That's a good way to describe our day today. It started out good, with a nice walk at the Greenway, a four mile walking/biking trail that happens to start right next to a Starbucks. So the kids and I had breakfast at Starbucks followed by a nice walk. Ben rode his scooter, which he is getting very good at balancing on, and Rebecca for once was content to ride in her stroller and watch the scenery. And since I had my venti iced tea lemonade and most of the walk was under a thick canopy of trees, I was happy too.

The day unwound a bit around lunchtime when Ben for no apparent reason threw a huge temper tantrum and refused to eat, and was about an inch away from spending the afternoon in his room instead of at his soccer game. He eventually pulled himself together and ate lunch, and I took him to soccer while Joel watched the Eagles game and Becca, who was kind to him and slept through most of the game.

At soccer Ben was great, even scoring his team's only two goals (they lost anyway, but we're not supposed to be keeping score... I'll leave out the part where he also gave up two goals when he was playing goalie... I thought he did awesome anyway). No pictures or video because I forgot to charge the camera battery!! I was kicking myself the whole time. He would of course score his first goal when I can't record the event.

After the game he unraveled again and threw another tremendous tantrum, this one upon learning that Joel was going to go play a round of twilight golf and he couldn't come. He eventually pulled himself together again, and we ordered pizza for dinner and read bedtime stories where he pointed out his "magic words" to me (which so far are "the", "and", "a" and "go").

If not for the moodiness it would have been a four star day... but I'll still give it three stars.

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