Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So last night I suggested that Joel should help Ben with his homework while I put the baby to bed. Most of Ben's summer homework consists of handwriting practice, and this week his teacher gave him some sheets of paper for practicing writing certain letters that he still has trouble making correctly. I should have known that Joel helping Ben with handwriting practice was not the best idea, because as I got the baby changed into her pajamas upstairs I overheard certain alarming snippets of conversation from downstairs such as --

JOEL: I don't think that's how you're supposed to make a "b", Wait, I'm not sure. Let me try. Well, this is how I do it, is that right? Hmmm... I don't think I do it right either. I think we need to ask Mommy...

BEN: This is how I make a "k"... Daddy, we both make "k" the same way.... that means it must be wrong.