Friday, August 22, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Today, since Joel and I had the day off work, we went furniture shopping. We had to bring the kids, since they were off too. We drove to what's known as "furniture row" where there's a bunch of furniture stores all next to each other. Joel's parents met us there to help. We were on a mission for new living room furniture. I've been complaining about our couches for approximately 5 years now as being too narrow and not good for laying on. We also have no coffee table, and our Home Depot rug has seen better days. So thanks in part to the really comfortable couches at the condo in Virginia Beach, I finally persuaded Joel that having a comfortable, pretty living room would be a good thing.

Anyway, furniture shopping with two little kids is not the easiest thing to do, even with grandparents along to help out. Ben "melted" (as I call it) about halfway through our 4 hour expedition, and for a while I had to carry him around limp in my arms. He got a second wind when he discovered a set of electrically powered recliners where you press a button on the side to make it recline. It was very easy for him to work so he got about a good hour or so of entertainment out of that. The only problem was when we told him we were not buying it. He was very disappointed that we were not getting a "chair that transforms into a bed" as he called it (being really into Transformers right now makes this especially appealing to him).

Becca on the other hand was fine just about until Ben got his second wind. Then she started to "melt". The problem was that she was overtired, having had only about a half hour nap, and she was also getting hungry because she had finished all her food and the bottle I had packed for her (I was not expecting us to be out so long). Joel's mom suggested that maybe if we put water in her bottle, she would drink it. I decided it was worth a try, because even though she'd never had water before maybe just sucking on something would calm her down. So Joel's parents took Becca's bottle and searched out a water fountain and filled it up. Unfortunately they did not screw the lid on properly so when Becca tilted it to put it in her mouth, the water dumped all over her lap. So now in addition to being hungry and tired, she was also cold and wet. She screamed loud enough to be heard across the whole furniture gallery.

Somewhere in the midst of all this we managed to buy a leather sofa and matching loveseat, a reclining chair (but not with an electric button for Ben), a coffee table, and a rug. Mission acomplished.


Carolyn said...

very productive trip - i'm impressed that you guys could pull the trigger on the first trip out. and also sounds like a very fun beach trip!

Amanda said...

i left off the fact that we visited 5 stores before purchasing... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to talk Nathaniel into new livingroom furniture too. Are you going to post pictures of it when it arrives? :)

Amanda said...

of course! "old" and "new" pics so you can see the improvement :)