Friday, August 8, 2008

Pox Watch

The second universal law of parenting is that if one parent is away, someone will get sick. It hasn't happened yet this time, but I'm not terribly optimistic. (Joel's in Arizona for a wedding by the way).

One of the infants in Becca's room at day care has chicken pox. Her pediatrician refuses to give the vaccine before age 1, so for the next 21 days all I can do is wait.. and hope.. that Rebecca does not get chicken pox. Now, I am not one of those worry-wart parents who freaks at the slightest temperature, runny nose, etc... I'd consider myself to be on the other end of that spectrum. That's not to say I don't take my kids' illnesses seriously but thanks to Joel I like to think I know the difference between a serious health threat and a minor illness. However, my own experience with chicken pox (at age 10) involved a seizure and temporary facial paralysis, so chicken pox tends to worry me a little.

Besides which, chicken pox would be a very good way to fulfull the universal law of parenting #3, which is that illness will strike during a family vacation (we're leaving for Williamsburg, VA a week from tomorrow).

Let the Pox Watch begin.


Carolyn said...

Ugh - that stinks. (And your time with it REALLY stunk!) I'll cross my fingers for you. Odd are she won't get it I'm sure.

Mary said...

I hope she doesn't get it. Teach her to give dirty looks to the baby who has it! :)