Saturday, November 29, 2008


Pretty much the only time I ever go shopping for myself is when my sister comes to visit, because I hate picking out clothes for myself. Abby loves picking out clothes so I let her lead me around by the hand twice a year and tell me everything I need to buy. Today was our designated shopping day - Joel and Mike dropped Becca off at Joel's parents' and took Ben and Charlie to see Madagascar 2. Abby and I spent six hours at the mall. I got makeup, two pairs of boots, a dress, two pairs of jeans, three shirts, a coat and a purse. I also got my ears pierced (again, I had them pierced before but hadn't worn earrings in a few years so I had them done over again).

It was a very exhausting shopping experience since Abby shops by outfit... so she picked out a dress for me and then dragged me all over the mall looking for a pair of boots to wear with it. Then picked out jeans and shirts and dragged me all over the mall again looking for a pair of boots to wear with those. Very inefficient. I am very tired now and my right ankle is killing me. I seem to have sustained an injury somehow. But I am happy with all of my purchases so it was worth it.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Although all that shopping is pretty much my worst nightmare, I am jealous you have a personal shopper that takes you out 2x a year. For free. (I'm assuming).