Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day Care Germs & Jellyfish

I caught Rebecca's germs. I had convinced myself she had no germs and that her throwing up was a fluke (gag reflex maybe or something) but of course I was fooling myself. I woke up yesterday morning feeling nauseous. I dragged myself out of bed and got the kids dropped off and then spent the rest of the day in bed. Today I am feeling moderately better but still not great.

I took Ben to his occupational therapy appointment this morning. I'm still not quite sure what to make of it. Pardon the expression but he tends to enter retardo-ville when we walk through those doors. Today for example he was crawling around on the floor for no apparent reason. The therapist now has him help her make a list on the chalkboard of the 5 activities they will do during the hour. She helps him make the numbers 1 through 5 (having him trace her numbers) and then asks him to draw a picture of each thing they are going to do. The only problem is that almost any time you ask Ben to draw a picture of something he draws a circle and then draws a bunch of long lines coming off the bottom of it. So today for every picture he was asked to draw that's what he drew. If he'd been asked to draw a jellyfish I would have considered that precocious, but jellyfish was nowhere on the list.

The problem with the list is that the "fun" stuff - trampoline, swing, scooter board - all seems to end up at the front of the list, and the writing activities end up last. With all the fun stuff out of the way there's not much incentive to coax him to sit down and practice his writing skills which as far as I'm concerned is the whole point. He either goofs off or gets downright obstinate. Today he was obstinate. I narrowly resisted pointing out to him that my copay for these visits is $20 a session so he damn well better do what he's told. Hopefully Thursday's appointment will go better.

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