Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday Update

For those of you suffering through the snow in the Northeast I would helpfully like to point out that the current temperature here in Charlotte, at 9:30 PM, is 60 degrees. (But it is raining).

Today I took Ben to a birthday party here, where after I threatened him with no Chanukah present tomorrow, he behaved himself perfectly and participated in all of the activities with enthusiasm. (He's had a little problem with participating in group activities at birthday parties lately).

We met friends for dinner here, which was very good (first time we'd been).

Ben and I made cookie dough this afternoon, but haven't had a chance to bake the cookies yet (dough in the fridge). They are chocolate crinkles, or as I have always called them, dog dirt in the snow cookies.

Tomorrow we have a Chanukah party to go to (which means probably I will have to threaten Ben one more time so that he'll behave himself), then we will celebrate the first night of Chanukah with Joel's parents. And watch the Eagles game, of course. Full day.

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