Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Perfectly Wasted Day

About once a year -- if I'm lucky -- I will have a company holiday that the kids don't also have as a holiday. Today was my day. I'd been looking forward to it for weeks, wondering what I would do with a whole day off from work without the kids... I had thought of lots of things I might do, all of which I had a lot of trouble remembering this morning after I dropped the kids off.

I also still didn't feel very well from my recent brush with the flu or whatever it was, and I actually did have something I needed to do for work. So to recap: a) didn't feel well, b) had work to do, c) couldn't think of anything to do.

After watching The Food Network for a while I suddenly remembered that Joel had mentioned wanting peppermint bark from Williams Sonoma so I decided since I had nothing better to do I might as well go see if I could get some. So I went to the very crowded mall, on Christmas Eve... only to discover that the mall in question did not have a Williams Sonoma. That's odd, I thought... I could have sworn I'd seen one around here somewhere... So I decided to drive (against my better judgement) to another mall. Where I got stuck in loads of traffic because that mall entrance is a clusterf*ck even when it's not Christmas Eve. No Williams Sonoma there either. So I came home -- two wasted hours later -- and checked online (which of course I should have done to begin with) and discovered that the Williams Sonoma is across from the first mall I'd been at, but not actually in it, hence why it was not listed on the directory. I did not entertain the idea of going back there, so Joel's peppermint bark will arrive in 5-7 business days ;)

Not exactly the relaxing day I had envisioned. Oh well... there's always next year.

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