Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zero to Sixty

I've been waiting and waiting to be able to post a video of Becca's first steps. She's been "cruising" for a couple months now - walking holding onto furniture, my hand, or pushing her walker toy. But whenever you tried to coax her into taking a step on her own she'd either get down on her knees and crawl, or stand there and start crying.

But I'd been getting pretty suspicious over the last couple of weeks that she was perfectly capable of walking and was stubbornly choosing not to. Her balance seems great - she climbed up the baby slide at Monkey Joe's the other week and went down all by herself. She climbs on and off her rocking horse all by herself. But she stubbornly refused to walk.

Until today. So the moment you've all been waiting for... Or at least I have... Here she is without further ado, at 14 1/2 months, taking her first steps. Yes believe it or not, I had never seen Rebecca walk until about five minutes before this video was taken:


Abigail said...

Yaaaay! Go Doodle!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, you're in trouble now. I give it a week until she's running.