Monday, February 15, 2010

3 Day Weekend

I thought I would mention some of our other weekend highlights, aside from the buying-furniture-off-the-back-of-a-truck part.

1. It snowed about 2-3 inches on Friday night. The kids woke up to the nice blanket of new snow Saturday morning, and neither one made any move towards the door to go play in it. Ben's only concern was if his friend's birthday party, scheduled for that morning, was going to be cancelled. Fortunately, it was not. We dropped Ben off at the bowling alley for the birthday party, took Rebecca grocery shopping, and picked Ben back up after lunch. By that time, the snow was almost all melted (no exaggeration - it melted really fast).

2. After furniture shopping in our neighbor's driveway (as previously posted about), we went out to dinner with Joel's parents to a yummy Italian restaurant called Mezzanotte, which I have been to twice now and I've enjoyed it quite a lot which is saying a lot because Italian food just generally doesn't excite me that much. After dinner we stopped at Red Rocks and picked up 3 slices of cake (1 coconut and 2 chocolate) for dessert. Red Rocks charges $8 for a slice of cake (as Joel pointed out to me after spending $24), AND IT IS SO WORTH IT.

3. Sunday the kids were both invited to a birthday party for one of Rebecca's classmates, at Gymboree, which puts on a heck of a birthday party for the 2-3 year old set. Rebecca LOVED that party. Ben managed to entertain himself fairly well too, though I have a feeling he only decided to come because of the birthday cake. Joel's parents met us at the birthday party and took the kids and Joel and I went to The Bonefish Grill for dinner, where we ate way too much and felt rather ill afterwards, but spent no money because we had a $100 gift card courtesy of our American Express rewards points. Can't go wrong there.

5. Today Ben had school to make up for the snow day a couple weeks ago, but Rebecca and I had off for President's Day. We put Ben on the bus and then did some errands in pouring rain, none of which were particularly fruitful and all of which involved, well, going out in the pouring rain. At one point I commented to Rebecca that I was sorry for taking her on a wild goose chase in the rain, and then she kept asking to see the goose. Explaining to her that there were no geese just was not getting through to her, so I decided to make it up to her by taking her to the pet store. She greeted the parakeets with, "HI CHICKENS! HI CHICKENS! HI CHICKENS!" and forgot all about the geese, which was fortunate. So she was happy. Then we went home and she took a 2 hour nap, and Mommy was happy.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

If it's the cake I am thinking of, it is worth every penny of $8./slice and even worth the guilt I *still* feel for eating Joel's piece of coconut cake:)