Friday, February 5, 2010

I'd Rather Be Napping in Footed Pajamas

Today is a very gross, rainy day. The kind that makes you feel really sleepy - YAWN! This has been a long week. Work has been busy, and Joel is in Las Vegas (lucky him) so the kids and I are on our own. Ben got his 2nd quarter report card yesterday; he got "3s" (the highest score on a 3-2-1 scale) in 18 out of 20 categories (the two "2s" were in "works independently" and "takes care of materials"). So, a good report card overall - Good job Ben! We also have been working on his 100 Day project, which is a project for the 100th day of school next week. It is a poster of 100 reptile stickers, which he painstakingly numbered from 1 to 100. Of course the minute I turned my back to pay attention to Rebecca, he accidentally skipped one which was not discovered until he finished and only had 99. We did some hasty sticker rearranging and moved the one he skipped to the end. Fortunately it was not stuck too tight and we were able to make room ;)

Tomorrow is supposed to be a very gross, rainy day. If I have the energy I was thinking about taking the kids to Ray's Splash Planet. I have never been there, but Rebecca keeps asking to go back to the "water park" (meaning Great Wolf Lodge). Since Great Wolf Lodge runs about $300 a night, she's not getting her wish any time soon. But Ray's Splash Planet is an indoor water park that is co-owned by the parks and recreation department and the Charlotte school system. As such, the admission is only like $8 for adults and $6 for kids, and they have water slides, spraygrounds, etc. So. Maybe we'll check it out tomorrow. Right now I just feel like taking a nap. But I can't, of course. Sigh.


Grandma said...

Thanks for the Grandma fix :) You made my day!

Kathleen said...

would you rather have snow? 5-8" tonight...another 3-5" tomorrow!