Friday, February 26, 2010

The Importance of Good Dental Hygiene

So apparently at kindergarten this week the kids had a unit on dental hygiene, including a visit from a local pediatric dentist. It seems to have made an impression on Ben because all week he's been talking about proper dental hygiene, explaining to me what cavities are, and lecturing me about brushing technique. He told me he wants to start flossing (we brush his teeth twice a day but don't floss them) and brushing between meals. He asked me to buy him his own dental floss, and when I handed him his tube of toothpaste this morning and told him to go brush his teeth before school, he asked, "Is this fluoride toothpaste?" (I assured him it was). Then tonight he ate a Twizzler and as soon as he was finished he ran upstairs to the bathroom yelling, "I DON'T WANT TO GET TOOTH DECAY!"

1 comment:

Abigail said...

please have Ben come give his toth decay spiel to Charlie.