Monday, February 8, 2010

Basketball Practice

Yesterday the kids and I did some errands, went to the bookstore, and went to Ben's basketball practice. Basketball practice for 4 and 5 year olds consists mostly of dribbling, passing, and shooting drills with very little actual game play. They did do about 10 minutes of game play or so yesterday, during which time Ben bounced around excitedly all over the place but did not pursue the ball very vigorously. When someone passed the ball to him, he dribbled and managed to take a shot and scored. Then he waved to me and bounced around excitedly some more, forgetting about the ball entirely for a while again.

Rebecca spent the basketball practice carrying a ball around and attempting to engage anyone and everyone in playing ball with her. The other parents find her quite delightful, and I overheard phrases directed towards her like, "adorable" and "cute as a button" and "so much personality". Then another tag-along sibling tried to take her ball away from her and Rebecca burst into instant screams of fury. Then I overheard phrases like "oh dear" and "we certainly don't want to make her mad, do we." Yes, that about sums up my girl: cute but potentially volatile.

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