Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is Spring on the Way??

It may not be officially here yet, but this weekend was a great preview of the warm spring weather that will soon be upon us! It was sunny and in the 60s both yesterday and today. We went for a walk, spent a lot of time playing outside, and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner tonight.

This weekend we also had dinner with friends here, which was very delicious, before attending the annual silent auction for Rebecca's preschool. We bid on and won a 4 night stay here and a photography shoot here. There was also a raffle, and right as Joel turned to a friend and said, "You know, I have never won anything in my life," his name was drawn. He won a basket of stuff worth an estimated $1500, including VIP tickets to two Nascar races, a flip video camera, rounds of golf at two different country clubs, tickets to a Panthers preseason game, several gift cards, a bottle of scotch, and other items that I can't even remember at this moment. (Later he had the nerve to complain, "I'm not really happy with that basket I won.")

Here are some pictures from some of our time spent outside this weekend!


Carolyn said...

I'm borderline insanely jealous of your weekend (minus the NASCAR tix). Sounds just FAB!! I worked, was unable to get the kids to want to go outside, inflated the bouncy house JUST for the noise so I would be unable to hear Rachel's continual whining etc... (I could go on and on) :-)

Amanda said...

LOL Carolyn... we certainly have our share of weekends like that too. If it makes you feel any better, we're in the middle of a torrential downpour this morning. Payback I guess. Oh, and Joel's going to sell the Nascar tix to pay for the stuff we bought at the auction ;)

Kathleen said...

Is Joel going to take Mike to the Panthers game? :)