Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Becca at 15 Months

I remembered it's time to give an update on Becca's milestones. Except I'm too lazy to look up how I did it before so this time just freeform....

As previously noted, she started walking without assistance at about 14 1/2 months. After a couple of weeks of practice, she is toddling all over. She is still wobbly but usually doesn't fall down spontaneously anymore -- though a strong breeze might be enough to do the trick ;)

She is getting pretty good at feeding herself with a spoon, and very stubborn about it. She will rarely let me feed her anymore, and prefers using a spoon over her fingers even when using her fingers would be easier. This makes mealtime a bit annoying and results in a lot of food ending up in her lap. On the bright side, she now has 4 teeth (almost - the top two front teeth are finally coming in now). Ben had I don't know how many teeth at 15 months but I have a picture of him munching on a whole apple at 15 months so I know he had a lot more than four.

She still does not have many more words than at last report, though she now says something that sounds a whole lot like "Look, see?" when she points at something. So we'll give that one to her. She is starting to "talk" constantly though -- a very conversational-sounding stream of babble that I have no doubt will one day soon resolve itself into some recognizable words. Especially now that she's getting some more teeth to make different sounds with ;)

That's all for now I think... will update again at 18 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before you know it...she'll be gabbing on the phone to her girlfriends for hours on end!!!