Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bored to Tears

Ben, that is. He is victim number 3 of the stomach virus that's been making its way around the house. His is a milder form and consisted of nausea and diarrhea but no vomiting. The diarrhea seems to have subsided by now as well. I kept him home from school today and for the morning he was quite content to lie in my bed watching TV while eating saltines and drinking ginger ale.
This afternoon, once he started feeling better I presume, the boredom set in. At one point he looked at me forlornly and said, "Mom, I am so sad. I just want something to do."

Ben's boredom aside, having him home today was not nearly as bad as some other times he's been home when I've been working. He's been pretty mellow and has allowed me to get a lot of work done today.

Ben should be all set to go back to school tomorrow, and now my only worry is that Joel will come down with the virus just in time for dinner Saturday night (we have a babysitter lined up and are going to a Cuban restaurant with some friends).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry about the illness (I got it, too, from my 3 year old grandson. Hope it doesn't go on to ruin your evening out.

I'm a motivation coach with a special interest in boredom. I was interested to hear your son said, "I'm so sad. I just want something to do." That's the youngest definition of boredom I've heard and the first to use the word "sad." I'll mention that in my book-in-progress.

You may check out my recently started blog at

