Thursday, December 18, 2008

Odds & Ends

There's not much going on, so just a few random updates:

Ben's class Chanukah party was yesterday at lunch, consisting of pizza, salad and cake. No latkes, which was disappointing to me. When the designated picture-taker emails the pictures she took, I will post one or two. Though I am not sure when that will be since I am pretty sure her son, who unfortunately sat next to my son at the lunch, came down with strep throat yesterday afternoon.

Ben met with his Thursday occupational therapist, Michelle, for the first time this morning (since we had to cancel his first Thursday appointment last week because Ben was sick). He took to her right away, and was very impressed with her office, which had loads of toys, christmas lights and other interesting distractions. Key word being "distractions." He performed with his usual high level of boredom, frustration, and as the therapist put it "a self defeating attitude" during the drawing activities she did with him. For example, he began scribbling all over the page when she asked him to color a picture, and did not even try to color inside the lines.

What can I say about Rebecca... she has not injured herself since her injury-prone weekend, but she has an alarming tendency to sprawl flat on her face at any given moment with no warning. She did it this morning but fortunately there was nothing around for her to hit herself on. I was packing her diaper bag in the kitchen and I heard a THUD and when I went to investigate she was still lying sprawled on the floor, not hurt or upset just taking her time to get back to her feet. Sometimes I could swear she does this on purpose.

I ordered her a new diaper bag, from Baby Sherpa -- after watching the video demonstration, I was sold! I ordered the Short Haul variety. Her current bag is too small and has a rip in it. I also finished up my Chanukah shopping for the kids. Ben's I did mostly at Target and Rebecca's I did mostly online (after doing Ben's and not wanting to repeat the crowded-toy-aisle experience).

This weekend is shaping up to be busy, with Ben having invitations to a birthday party on Saturday and a Chanukah party on Sunday, dinner plans in the works for Saturday night with friends, and Joel's parents coming over Sunday night for Chanukah.


Abigail said...

Wow I am sold on the baby sherp too ;) Which color did you get?

Amanda said...

i got black. my only issue was i wish they had more colors to choose from - for the short haul pack they only had black or blue.