Friday, February 27, 2009

Dinner and a Movie

Thanks to a wonderful invention called Grandparents, Joel and I got to go out tonight.

Back in the days before kids -- and for this we will have to think all the way back to the Hershey, PA days -- Joel and I used to go to the movies so often that going to the movies (and out to dinner for that matter) totally lost its appeal. For a while there was a string of horrible movies in the theater and since we had nothing better to do, we saw them anyway.

As for going out to eat, we did that so often (on the weekends sometimes for every meal) that it also lost its appeal. The restaurant choices in Hershey were limited, and some unfortunate choices such as Applebees got heavy rotation. I have not set foot in an Applebees since Hershey, and my aversion to it runs so deep now that if I were stuck on a desert island with a choice between Applebees and eating my own foot, I'd eat my own foot.

So to recap: Then: loads of free time, no good movies, nothing good to eat. Now: No free time, loads of movies I haven't seen, and lots to eat. Life is so unfair. But tonight we finally got to see Slumdog Millionaire and try the Thai restaurant we'd been meaning to try. Both were excellent.

Thank you grandparents!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

We actually went to Applebees the other weekend and I have to say it really wasn't that bad... ;) I think they changed their menu? I had an orange chicken bowl thingy that served, like, 8, and lasted me for 3 meals :)