Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Trip to the Doctor

I took Rebecca to the doctor this morning. She was supposed to go back anyway to have her ears rechecked after her last ear infection and considering that she's been coughing, snotting, and leaking neon green goo out of the corners of her eyes, I figured it was an opportune time to take her back to the doctor.

Rebecca loves the waiting room at the doctor's office, but not so much the actual doctor. When she came into the exam room Rebecca started wimpering, which turned into an outright scream fest during the ear check. For some reason she likes getting her chest listened to - holds very very still for that and stares at the doctor without blinking - but all the rest of the exam she hates. Her ears, of course are infected again (or still?) so the doctor gave her a prescription for augmentin and another one for a decongestant to try to dry up some of that lovely neon green goo.

I always schedule Rebecca's appointments for as early as I can, since that way we don't usually have to wait. Then I show up 15 minutes early and if I am lucky, like today, I get out of the doctor's office at the same time I was actually scheduled to go in. How's that for speedy service? When I told my boss yesterday that Rebecca was scheduled for a 9:20 appointment and I'd be in by 9:45, he scoffed. I was actually at my desk at 9:35... HA! Of course it helps that the doctor's office is 5 minutes away and Rebecca's day care is a minute away... But I was impressed nonetheless.

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