Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Children and Their Lethal Claws

When Ben was around 2 he nailed me in the eye with a finger, causing a corneal abrasion and about seven hours of mortal agony before I finally managed to get seen by my opthamologist (who immediately applied blissfully numbing drops to my eye).

Tonight while I was putting Rebecca to bed she reached for the baseball cap on my head and nailed me in the eye with a finger. As I type this, an hour later, it feels like I'm being jabbed in the eye all over again every time I blink. Nevertheless I am trying to think positively and hoping that a nice night of keeping my eye closed will allow enough healing to occur to keep me from the eye doctor's office tomorrow (or worse yet, the ER in the middle of the night tonight).

Wish me luck in this.

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